
Introduction in brief to Red Teaming process and its difference with Penetration Testing.

What is Red Teaming?

  • Red Teaming is the process of Identify and Exploit vulnerabilities and Get Access to specific Systems emulating a Real-World scenario.

Difference between Penetration Testing and Red Teaming

  • Objective

    • Penetration testing: Identify exploitable vulnerabilities and gain access to a system.

    • Red teaming: Access specific systems or data by emulating a real-world adversary.

  • Timeframe

    • Penetration testing: Short: One day to a few weeks.

    • Red teaming: Longer: Several weeks to more than a month.

  • Toolset

    • Penetration testing: Commercially available pen-testing tools.

    • Red teaming: Wide variety of tools, tactics and techniques, including custom tools and previously unknown exploits.

  • Awareness

    • Penetration testing: Defenders know a pen test is taking place.

    • Red teaming: Defenders are unaware a red team exercise is underway.

  • Vulnerabilities

    • Penetration testing: Known vulnerabilities.

    • Red teaming: Known and unknown vulnerabilities.

  • Scope

    • Penetration testing: Test targets are narrow and pre-defined, such as whether a firewall configuration is effective or not.

    • Red teaming: Test targets can cross multiple domains, such as exfiltrating sensitive data.

  • Testing

    • Penetration testing: Security system is tested independently in a pen test.

    • Red teaming: Systems targeted simultaneously in a red team exercise.

  • Post-breach activity

    • Penetration testing: Pen testers don’t engage in post-breach activity.

    • Red teaming: Red teamers engage in post-breach activity.

  • Goal

    • Penetration testing: Compromise an organization’s environment.

    • Red teaming: Act like real attackers and exfiltrate data to launch further attacks.

  • Results

    • Penetration testing: Identify exploitable vulnerabilities and provide technical recommendations.

    • Red teaming: Evaluate overall cybersecurity posture and provide recommendations for improvement.


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